Thanks to Lisa of OneGirlieGirl for sharing this song...{{{hugs to you lisa}}}
June 30, 2008
June 24, 2008
Cycle 2 of chemo was yesterday, that's me with what looks like I'm giving you all peace, which I sincerely do...wish you all PEACE, but my *giggle* intention was to signify cycle #2 of chemo. Like the hat? Kim of Deedaloos made it...but I accessorized it with the flower :p was a long day with my mom at my side. We left at about 7:30 dropped the 3 girls off at Becky's and headed off to Lebanon for lab work, and my protocol testing.
Then a great meeting with Dr. Kaufman he said the lymph nodes are shrinking and the tumor is slighly softer and a little smaller upon measurement.
So I asked him what the percentage is for that fast a response from only one

Psalm 4 :1-8
Answer me when I call to you, O my righteous God.
Give me relief from my distress: be merciful to me and hear my prayer.
How long, O men, will you turn my glory into shame?
How long will you love delusions and seek false gods?
Know that the LORD has set apart the godly for himself: the LORD will hear when I call to him.
Offer right sacrifices and trust in the LORD
Many are asking, "Who can show us any good?"
Let the light of your face shine upon us, O LORD.
You have filled my heart with greater joy than when their grain and new wine abound.
I will lie down and sleep in peace for you alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety.
Give me relief from my distress: be merciful to me and hear my prayer.
How long, O men, will you turn my glory into shame?
How long will you love delusions and seek false gods?
Know that the LORD has set apart the godly for himself: the LORD will hear when I call to him.
Offer right sacrifices and trust in the LORD
Many are asking, "Who can show us any good?"
Let the light of your face shine upon us, O LORD.
You have filled my heart with greater joy than when their grain and new wine abound.
I will lie down and sleep in peace for you alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety.
Dedicated to my husband , may he find the light of the word and always find it in Christ Jesus.
But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it maybe seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God. John 3:20
We then went over the pharmacy for some extra meds and finally to the infusion room by about 1 pm...we got out of there about 4:30 and home by about 6 pm.
We found Sara on the time-out mat and Papa cleaning up spilled milk. The girls were watching some TV... it's so comforting to know that life is as normal as it can get, for right now. We are anticipating moving back home this week and then I'll be able to have friends visit and playdates at the house when i am too tired/sick to go out. I have many friends that want to come and bring me to chemotherapy or stay with me once the mastectomy happens and it's all so hard at my folk's it is, I feel like me and the kids have been such an's been 9 weeks away from home! I'm hoping to reopen HHQ soon too...the extra money will come in handy as I'm already trying to organize for the holidays...just got some cute stuff for the Bitty and American Girl dolls at
We are definitely looking forward to seeing Kit Kittredge the movie....coming soon!
Especially for Heather - The cancer - Her journey Shared

One of the readers of this blog gave me a link to another mom's blog who writes about her many with her daughter that blows me away and has me in awe of the Lord's power to comfort and heal all creatures great and small. But then she later became diagnosed with her own cancer. I read a little bit and the end of this passage touches me deeply...
I would love to copy and paste it...however I don't think that is the right thing to do without her permission. So I will post a link to it.
Blessings to Heather, her daughter Emma Grace and to her whole family. I have learned from you to be persistent with doctors and that Great Faith will carry us all through these times of life.
I hope my readers visit your blog and learn from your wisdom too...I know I will never meet you in real life...but somehow you have touched me deeply and infused me with some renewed strength for the upcoming months to come.
June 20, 2008
Bald or Bionic? Cancer won't keep me down!
I love you kim!
And Thank You from the bottom of my hear for the
wonderful hats! My wool felt hair clips look
great on them! These pics were taken prior to the favorite one is the brown one! My head will be covered, and warm all year because of you!

Monday morning, over a cup of coffee she did it...a few tears later...this is what i looked like...So I am not used to it at hair is so much a part of my's my security blanket...some thing to toss or twist when i'm nervous...And Thank You from the bottom of my hear for the
dd#3 (2 years old), stroked my cheek and said "hai cut mama? pretty!"
dd#2 (6.5 years old) said..."it looks like you are wearing a pony tail...that's'll grow back"
dd#1 (8 years old) said..."it looks UGLY! Put your hat back on"
dd#2 (6.5 years old) said..."it looks like you are wearing a pony tail...that's'll grow back"
dd#1 (8 years old) said..."it looks UGLY! Put your hat back on"

the baldness is creeping up from the bottom...and bald patches all over. ::sigh::
Enjoy this from
Enjoy this from
June 16, 2008
Who am I?
breast cancer,
music therapy,
who am I,
June 14, 2008
Metaphore for my life...Sandtrap!
what good friends i have here in cyberspace...WhimzyPinzy a fellow EtsyMom has posted a comment at my flickr site about this picture. She has shared some wisdom about this picture and insight into my situation and I am grateful.
Hey Whimz...I see the green and I am only a few shots away! Then I'll come into the 19th hole and have a mudslide and a turkey reuben with the awesome fries that Loudon Country Club is famous for!
Now to return the favor...for those of you looking to knit or crochet some hats for cancer patients (hee hee...I'm sure your local hospital will take donated handmade chemo caps!)...or some socks or some afghans... Whimzy has awesome yarns all hand spun and hand dyed...check her out at and on her own website:
Wow and as an adendum...she added a blog post about me...and a socks for cancer pattern...check it out...but don't forget to come on back to visit me again?!
June 12, 2008
Hanging in there....but not sure what day it is...
Fighting the fight...but feeling weary as it's only just begun.
June 7, 2008
Day 11 Cycle one
- How cute are they in their Gymbo turtles????
- Sadness has lifted a little.
- Sore throat today.
- Horrible headache on tears, called the hospital and was able to take tylenol...whew! Went to bed early and my folks helped with the kids...what would I do if I didn't have them right now????
- Working at the golf course today with my brother.
- Kids went swimming with Daddy this afternoon then came into the pro-shop to visit.
- just found out yesterday that my next infusion is the 23rd not the 16th...RATS!
- The 23rd is the last day of school for the kids. Bummer, mommy is going to be sick for the first 2 weeks of summer vacation :(
June 3, 2008
Day 7 Cycle 1 chemo Update
I was smiling on wednesday when they put the IV in me...but by Saturday I was soooooooooooo SAD!!! You know the feeling when you have had a pony tail in your hair for a long time and then you take the pony tail out...and your scalp is sore?
My whole body felt like that...from my scalp down to my toes...joint achiness, muscle aches, overwhelming sadness....weepiness took over....i was a MESS! I just wanted to crawl into a whole ...and not die...cuz that's what this is all about right?
Calgon take me away....please! The kids are doing pretty good...dd#1 is being perfect....which totally scares me...she's even doing extra homework sheets with out being asked...she needed some extra help with her she is doing it nightly! I'm keeping an eye on her!
dd#2 is a total whiner lately...but maybe she's feeling my pain and wants to just identify with me and my foggy head...she's more absent minded than usual...but they all can't be so well adjusted right?
dd#3 is potty training and is looking for a "TWEET" any chance she can get...a tweet=treat=m&m for sitting and one for doing her business....she's only 2! well she'll be two in 2 other kids didn't potty train till 2.5 and over 3 years....something is going right!
Gratitude? someone told me to keep a happiness journal...what a good idea, btw!
I am grateful today to have a wonderful friend come up from NY and visit me this weekend. She came on Sunday and left today. It was so comforting to have her close by. My taste buds weren't awful last night and we went out to dinner and i got some yummy mashed potatoes with cheddar cheese melted on top form TGIFridays...worth a try...believe me!
I added the pic from a recent family portrait I had done with my mom and the girls. Obviously this was the old hoo. I also wanted to let folks know the comments and wonderful positively positive ideas are priceless...what wonderful gifts! Thank you all so much! ~Jodi
To find more posts about my Art Therapy with my kids as I battle breast here.
To find more posts about my journey through breast here.
To find more posts about my chemo here.
(psst...this is the first more to come soon!)
My whole body felt like that...from my scalp down to my toes...joint achiness, muscle aches, overwhelming sadness....weepiness took over....i was a MESS! I just wanted to crawl into a whole ...and not die...cuz that's what this is all about right?
NOT dying!!!???
so the days since have been a little better without so much achiness but the exhaustion is heavy and the sadness is present all the time...i just want to cry if anyone talks to me....
dd#2 is a total whiner lately...but maybe she's feeling my pain and wants to just identify with me and my foggy head...she's more absent minded than usual...but they all can't be so well adjusted right?
dd#3 is potty training and is looking for a "TWEET" any chance she can get...a tweet=treat=m&m for sitting and one for doing her business....she's only 2! well she'll be two in 2 other kids didn't potty train till 2.5 and over 3 years....something is going right!
Gratitude? someone told me to keep a happiness journal...what a good idea, btw!
I am grateful today to have a wonderful friend come up from NY and visit me this weekend. She came on Sunday and left today. It was so comforting to have her close by. My taste buds weren't awful last night and we went out to dinner and i got some yummy mashed potatoes with cheddar cheese melted on top form TGIFridays...worth a try...believe me!
I added the pic from a recent family portrait I had done with my mom and the girls. Obviously this was the old hoo. I also wanted to let folks know the comments and wonderful positively positive ideas are priceless...what wonderful gifts! Thank you all so much! ~Jodi
To find more posts about my Art Therapy with my kids as I battle breast here.
To find more posts about my journey through breast here.
To find more posts about my chemo here.
(psst...this is the first more to come soon!)
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