Modeling the behavior is also part of the physical environment…do you create? Do you give

What if you have siblings and a toddler keeps touching older brother or sister’s image? A

Reinforce boundaries, “this is your paper and that is Johny’s”. Be careful not to add your artistic touch to an image or creation without asking first too. They may allow it but they may also feel like they have no other choice as most kids want to please the parent. Respect, on all levels of creativity, will yield a happy, creative, well developed sense of autonomy and encourage positive sibling interaction.
It is common to hear that the older child wants to work with markers but the younger child is unable to refrain from drawing on their body and mom or dad would prefer crayons be used. Know this going into the process, and brainstorm what artists use and maybe get some higher-end crayons for the children. The older child will love that they are “artist” quality media and the younger child will be using developmentally appropriate media. Also have a crayon

The spiritual environment is the space you give to their fragile and ever developing sense of self and self worth. Different age groups have different needs with this, sometimes it’s strictly through peer interaction but often times it’s the refueling they get from mom and dad that helps foster their sense of wholeness verses feelings of inadequacy. When your child draws or

The time a child creates…the seconds of creation is when you will find out what the image expresses…not minutes after it’s completed. Spend time with your child while they create. Foster a dialogue with them about their use of color and stroke, how they choose to fill up space or choose to leave areas empty. Encourage them to project thoughts into the scribble or image…”if your picture could talk what would it say to you? What is it thinking? What does the painting wish they could do? What is the yellow color feeling?” Rather than asking them “what is it” remark about the shapes and juxtaposition of

Embrace the image whether it is pretty or not to your eye, the moment of expression is beautiful and that is ART! Support their process of creating through support of the environment whether the end result is a cherished keepsake or not.
Maybe you are just not crafty...or maybe no one encouraged your creativity when you were younger...look to kits to help guide you and your kids through exploration of new materials. Threadibilities Craft Kits(TM) are available at HappyHouseQuilts.com
I am a Master's Level Art Therapist. I will be writing articles about Art Therapy from time to time here at my blog. Find them quick by searching my blog for Art Therapy. Thanks for reading this lengthy post and come back soon.
For more works for me Wednesday ideas go to Rocks in my dryer
For more Works for me Wednesday ideas here at HHQ search WFMW
This is really a great post and so important. It ties into onegirliegirl's recent Etsymom blog too. Thanks for writing it. I also like how you treated the pictures. They illustrate the concepts well, yet could be anyone's children and keep the reader on the subject.
ReplyDeleteWonderful post! I totally agree!*HUGS*
ReplyDeleteHey jodi! Love your Blog! Would you like to trade links? I am at MyLittleCuddleBugs.Blogspot.com. Drop me a comment if you would like to. I am trying to grow my page and keep up with other etsy crafters.
This is a wonderful article. Thank you so much for sharing your expertise! I'm just now starting to deal with the 6 month old getting into the 2 year old's creative space -- good to have some ideas for how to deal with that. And I love the suggestions you give for ways to talk about the art while it is happening. Wonderful!
ReplyDeleteTerrific post and recommendations - can be applied to children not only in crafting but lots of other "learning" areas in their lives - i.e. just about everything! They are such little sponges! :)
ReplyDeleteThat was so helpful! I'll have to create a better environment for my 3 yr old. He has his own little craft table in my office. BUt, I never thought to create a section to create in that wasn't overwhelming. Thanks!