Playing with new designs and making my own patterns...uuuugggghhh...it takes time but I don't have a ton of it...oh well here are some pics of new products in progress...will get a reality check on it all this week and try to work out the kinks...I have been wanting to make one of these "slides" forever!!! Total throwback to the 70's I know...but need to keep my hair back away from the baby and thought others might like to look stylish in a new way. Played with some fun stitches...sorry the pic is small...but it's all about FUNCTION then the FLAIR.
***Sippy Quilts have also been on the drawing board for a while but 2 out of 3 ain't bad...one is going to be a cover for a juice box...ripping out stitches was no longer an option. Well 4 slides and 3 sippy quilts later...Today was a good day!
PLEASE leave comments on these ideas...I need any feedback!!! Thanks for looking and reading!!!
CUTE hair accessories, Jodi! And you look like captain of the cheerleading squad! he he....You're going to be amazingly successful, just wait and see!
ReplyDeleteMany Blessing, Georganne
Forgot to add....great banner! I need a new one, myself!
ReplyDeleteYour sippy cup covers are very cute! I thought about trying something like that for bottles but haven't gotten around to it..... It's in the pile of UFOs :)