So here I am, the new wigless is growing back and i'm wearing my favorite sweater...i'm always so cold. I think I might like the hair-do better if it were warmer.
I never want to be bald again...EVER, EVER, EVER!!!
I am so darn tired...I thought I was tired before radiation started...well, this is "can't pick your head up off the back of the couch tired". I keep my happy face on for the kids...but it's very draining. I feel heavy and just going through the motions most days. Plus I got a horrible cold this week.I never want to be bald again...EVER, EVER, EVER!!!

I want my enthusiasm for life back...i miss that about myself. But this is my journey...I am following God's lead.
I found a new favorite breakfast to eat, the nutritionist recommended it...vanilla yogurt, blueberries and walnuts...oh it's sooooo yummy...every calorie counts and I'm trying to drink ensure during the days too to add more calories to my diet.
I go to see the oncologist on Thursday and hopefully will hear all about my upcoming year of treatment...oral meds or whatever cancer patients do after the big guns of chemo, surgery and radiation.
I heard from a fellow survivor last week that her cancer is back after 4 totally makes me long do I have? will the cancer ever come back...??? I know I need to get to 2 years, then 5 and it's 50-50 of getting to 10 years without a recurrence ...Sara will only be 12 and em will be almost 19, ellie 17...they will still have so much life ahead of them...ellie and I have a thing...she says "99" and I say "66" that's how old I will be when she is 66...oh the stories I will tell when I'm 99...I hope they make my hair curl!!!
I am so grateful to all my family and friends for being so's so necessary when you go through this disease to have cheerleaders on the side lines...some days it's hard to remember who you used to be.
Oh my skin is itchy...time to take some more zyrtec (radiation causes your skin to burn and itch horribly). The kids are playing pet shop and it's almost time to do reading and hit the pillow...last night we had everyone in bed by 7:30!!! Really, lights was awesome...except I tried a night without my sleeping pill and I was up every 2 hours....but I was able to go back to sleep!!! I consider that a success!
You look beautiful. Your spirit shines through it all.
ReplyDeleteI remember how exhausting radiation was for my husband.
You look beautiful!
ReplyDeleteI think the new 'do is shiek. No, not shriek...haha.
ReplyDeleteI thought of you whilst listening to this song by Bruce Springsteen that he wrote after 9/11.
It's called Into The Fire, but my favorite words are:
"May your strength give us strength, may your faith give us faith, may your hope give us hope, may your love bring us love"
You have truly shown all of these with such grace! God Bless.
Okay, It's been way too long since I have seen you if I have to find out you are growing your hair back from your blog. Be glad for the little things, and get a good night's sleep!
ReplyDeleteYou and your girls are in my prayers. when I lived up north in the cold I took a natural supplement made from peppercorns that made me feel much warmer. I just have bad circulation. Check with your Dr. first of course!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE your hair! You look so cute! Seriously, I'd be happy with hair like yours!
Your girls sound so wonderful and so fun! Love the 66/99 game and hope it comes true!
Take it day by day! I just want to thank you for all your support too! I think YOU are AMAZING!
ReplyDeleteyou and I are twins now! Is that a part you have there on the side? You are so brave to go wigless. I say I could never do that but then comfort is key and I am sure I will probably opt out of the wig come hot summer when I am at your stage! You are so pretty my friend! Radiation makes your skin glow! Yeah! Almost done now girlfriend! Your road to the new you has begun! Rest and know I am thinking of you. Wish I could be there and babysit on my "good days" so you could rest up.
Look at you with hair! How wonderful! It won't be long now before summer is here and then it will really start growing fast!
ReplyDeleteI am so glad to hear you are doing better! I wish much energy for you...being a mom is hard enough without having to deal with chemo/radiation, etc. Positive thoughts and prayers for you as you continue this journey!
I think you look fab-u-lous! I am sending you some left over energy that I found.... I knew I would find it a good home.
ReplyDeleteHi Jodi! I fully intend on responding to your email.......I have been thinking of you.....I'm still recovering from my 1st round of chemo last Friday (ick).....anyway....look forward to catching up with you...please know you have been so heavy on my heart and in my prayers!
Gretta :)
YOU look amazing *JUST* beautiful YAY ....before long you will be doing pony'os :} you and the gals are in my prayers and thoughts daily! We just got over a nasty flu it was rough...hope your feeling better :) huge hugs ALicia
ReplyDeleteI love your hair - it looks great - very chic! So glad to hear you're through all of the chemo and radiation - things will get better! - I know those treatments can be so draining and it takes awhile for your body to recover and get back on track. Stay positive and know others are thinking of you!
ReplyDelete...Hi i came here from a flickr picture ... sorry for my bad english i have learned for ages...IF you don´t matter i want to follow your blog...KIND REGARDS FROM SPAIN...BARCELONA...
ReplyDeleteGod brought you to mind today - just kind of out of the blue. I just wanted you to know that you are in my prayers. I pray you have the necessary strength to face whatever trials you are dealing with today. - Linda, Poppy Patch Quiltery